Stock Market Training

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Stock Market Training


When it comes to stock market, most of the new investors come with excitement and great expectations, but end up with loosing capital. Can you imagine, condition of a person jumps in to the ocean, without knowing swimming? Same is the situation for people who first time enter stock market without formal training or knowledge. Why people fail, lose money in stock market? The simple reason is they cannot differentiate between what is investing and what is Trading. It requires separate sets of risk appetite and knowledge for trading and investing. Stock brokers want clients to trade more and more, so as to generate brokerage income – never guide for investing.

Stock market is not scary nor gambling as perceived by many. Fact is that, it is one of the most attractive asset classes to invest, not risky, nor complex to understand. Equity can be a highly rewarding investment avenue for those who come with knowledge and patience. There are lots of stock which have created huge wealth for the investors in the past several decades. Stock selection & portfolio creation is the key to wealth creation. Investors have to take in to account their risk appetite and time horizon before stock selection. In stock market, time is important than timing the market.


Fundamental Analysis


Technical Analysis with Futures & Options

For someone who is already investing in stock market and looking for the trading in Futures & Options, Currency and commodity etc, we have advanced training course with technical analysis.


Fundamental Analysis

Our Fundamental stock market courses have been designed keeping in mind, the first-time investor entering in to stock market. Irrespective of their educational back ground, experience and age, they will be able to understand in a simplistic way.

Our Fundamental stock market courses have been designed keeping in mind, the first-time investor entering in to stock market. Irrespective of their educational back ground, experience and age, they will be able to understand in a simplistic way. Students can apply the learning and the process immediately and avoid the investment mistakes from day one. In our training course we begin from the scratch and provide a comprehensive knowledge, which will give them a holistic idea of the stock market functioning and investing.

Technical Analysis with Futures & Options

For someone who is already investing in stock market and looking for the trading in Futures & Options, Currency and commodity etc, we have advanced training course with technical analysis. Our technical analysis course provides a strong foundation with the clarity &concepts to become successful trader. We provide complete clarity on Call, put, premium, margin, Call &Put, Buy-sell, time value of money, market depth, price &volume, Support-resistance, Trend analysis, moving averages, Indicators and importantly the risk management strategies. We have array of customised stock market courses for traders.

Reasons for sell & confidence for stay invested